Paotie - hold onto your pants! I have never, in the eight months that I've been posting on deafread.com read Mishka get so passionate about an issue. She takes great pride in her ability to remain objective. The idea of Deaf individuals taking advantage of the system by using handicapped parking spaces or a Disney disability pass to avoid waiting in lines for rides REALLY pissed her off. Such a refreshing change.
Here she goes:
I was raised to be equal to my peers. I wasn't treated differently because I couldn't hear.
No, I will not use a pass because I am deaf. In fact, I will get infuriated if I see a healthy able-bodied deaf person using a pass to cut short the lines to the rides.
You see, I am also physically disabled. I remember one time Deaf people being surprised that I have a pass and demanded why I have it. They didn't believe me when I said I am physically disabled (talk about an invisible disability)
Here in MD, the Deaf Community tried to convince the State Assembly to pass a law permitting Deaf people to use the handicapped parking spots. When I found out, I was outraged. They can walk. Their excuse is that they cannot look back. Oh, really? Bullshit. You can use my eyes around and use common sense. I call that taking advantage of hearing people's ignorance to abuse the system.
Because I know what it is like to be Deaf and what it feels like to be Deaf and physically handicapped. There is a very BIG difference.
Yes, if I see a Deaf person abusing the handicapped parking lot or using the pass for rides, I will confront them. Using the pass for shows is a different story because they do need good seats to hear the performances.
Rides, hell no way!
As you can see, I feel very strong about this.
::::Stepping off my soapbox::::
Here she goes:
I was raised to be equal to my peers. I wasn't treated differently because I couldn't hear.
No, I will not use a pass because I am deaf. In fact, I will get infuriated if I see a healthy able-bodied deaf person using a pass to cut short the lines to the rides.
You see, I am also physically disabled. I remember one time Deaf people being surprised that I have a pass and demanded why I have it. They didn't believe me when I said I am physically disabled (talk about an invisible disability)
Here in MD, the Deaf Community tried to convince the State Assembly to pass a law permitting Deaf people to use the handicapped parking spots. When I found out, I was outraged. They can walk. Their excuse is that they cannot look back. Oh, really? Bullshit. You can use my eyes around and use common sense. I call that taking advantage of hearing people's ignorance to abuse the system.
Because I know what it is like to be Deaf and what it feels like to be Deaf and physically handicapped. There is a very BIG difference.
Yes, if I see a Deaf person abusing the handicapped parking lot or using the pass for rides, I will confront them. Using the pass for shows is a different story because they do need good seats to hear the performances.
Rides, hell no way!
As you can see, I feel very strong about this.
::::Stepping off my soapbox::::

There's more...
Well, legally deaf people are disabled, but they are NOT physically disabled that they wouldn't handle long waits. Shows and movies, I totally can relate to that because the Deaf people need the front seats to be fully accommodated. But regular rides? Scoff. Handicapped Parking? Scoff. I would be embarrassed if I abuse the system if I don't need itIt's not the way I was raised.. taking advantage of a system at the expense of others. Remember I said the physically handicapped people paid a price afterwards because they were forced to wait longer when hearing people saw how healthy deaf people were abusing the passes. They are not stupid and naturally they gave the employees a lot of grief. There are consequences when there are abuses of the system.

Hmm. That Mishka is one crazy bitch and I agree with her 100%.
Mishks has admitted that she has not been to Disney parks. Also she forgets that there is a disability pass for a reason. Supposedly there was a problem with the ride, like getting stuck in the mid-air or breaks down in the total darkness, people would depend on the announcer's voice for emergency instructions. Think about it, if you had gone on the ride without letting the attendants know you are deaf, a ride malfunctions up in the mid air or breaks down in total darkness, imagine yourself sitting there, feeling panicky, not knowing what to do, you cannot even take off the harness or belt to try to communicate with a hearing person who may be sitting behind or in front of you to ask what is going on. What do do?? If a deaf person went through the disability line, the attendants would keep track of who is disabled and in case of emergency, they would be more attentive and go up to deaf or disabled person right away to help them out. Just like airlines, I make point to let the airlines know that I am deaf so they know in case an emergency arises. You don't want attendants or whoever complain to you "why didn't you tell them that you were deaf" if you were stuck in an emergency.
Think about it, Mishka! Your words have greatly disappointed me and I was really shocked at what you were thinking about this. I hope you will consider changing your opinion and understand where we are coming from. People like you will hurt our chances of getting disability access when you think we don't deserve it and don't think of the consequences we may face if you keep on with this kind of thinking.
hi Jodi...i second mishkazena...mz, be strong & keep ur chin up! \../,
Hi Jodi!
For what I have seen many hearing people abusing the parking spots. For instance, some people are using their siblings/relatives/husbands/wife's cars and the legal parking tickets/passes.
That's cheating. It's all the game plan.
When I was in the airport, I had to go with the escort because sometimes the terminal can be confusing. I got almost lost in the terminal at the one of the largest airports in Altanta, GA. It was so complicating and confusing!
I feel for you, Jodi. Integrity is the most important example.
Hugs, White Ghost
Mishka doesn't speak for the Deaf community. She never has Deaf children and doesn't know what she is talking about.
As a mother of two Deaf children, I went to Disney when they were at the ages 2 and 3 and half. I was so grateful to get that pass because dealing with chasing them physically all day in a huge park is very exhausting and it is not the same for those who have hearing children that they can shout out their names and keep them close much easily than those who have Deaf children.
MZ has a point that shouldn't be obscured by arguments to the contrary. Her concern is specific.
People do take unfair advantage of accommodations for physical disabilities and the honor system is just as often abused. There are people with severe disabilities having to walk further, refuse things they want, and go without because more able people selfishly take their accommodations away.
Let's think of them. If you need the accommodation, ask for it. If not, don't. There is a point where if too many disabilities and other personal concerns are taken into consideration, the system bogs down.
For me this is an issue of integrity and the "honor system" as Dianrez pointed out. If parents choose to use the pass, they have their reasons. As I said, I would have used it when Jordan was 3, but not now. Once again, this is on an individual case basis...so I kind of agree with all of ya! Deafmommy- that would be a very scary situation, that is why my child Never goes on a ride without my husband or a friend. (I don't do rides - I'm a wuss)
Btw, I CAN'T STAND IT when people abuse handicapped parking spaces. I'll park in front of a garage before I park in a handicapped spot. Jodi
PS. Hi, White Ghost *smile*
DeafMommy, as I said before, being an able-bodied deaf person and a deaf person with a physical disability are very different. Once you walk one mile in my shoes, I bet you will look at it very differently. : /
There were consequences that particular day when too many Deaf people abuses the passes. The physically disabled people were forced to wait longer as the employees tries to appease the distressed hearing people who stood in lines, seeing abled Deaf young people cutting in lines repeatedly. Think how many Deaf people show up on that Deaf Day?
I saw young healthy Deaf people using handicapped parking spots, forcing the disabled people to park far away or leave because they cannot find a parking lot nearby
Deaf Mommy, please do read my comment in the other post. I was not referring to rides that has captioned movies, where Deaf people need to get good seats. I was referring to rides with NO captioning. As a Deaf child, I stood in lines along with other kids. I wasn't given special accommodations for rides because I didn't need it. Deaf kids can stand long on their feet.
In this area, we will need to agree to disagree.
lol talk about getting stuck in a ride!! When I was 17, my deaf brother, his deaf friends and I all got stuck on top of the rollercoaster for a half an hour...I could hear the loudspeaker blaring, but had no clue what was said. I figured help was on the way. We were on the very first car and these guys shook it side to side and I was never so scared in my life. Needless to say, I never ever went on a rollercoaster ride ever again!!!
I agree, we (deaf/hoh) don't need passes for rides to get in front or get special treatment unless there's other disability besides deafness.
However, if an amusement park offers a discount pass for park admission to disabled, ain't nothing wrong with accepting it. There's always "Deaf Day" at many amusement parks that comes with discounts.
Then again, if some parents feel a special pass for their younguns would help alleviate the burden, I don't see anything wrong with it, even though my deaf mom somehow managed to keep her five crazy deaf/hoh kids in control at Disney World when my siblings and I were all under the age of 11. We never got lost and she was amazing. lol
Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. Don't think "Can't"
Yet, I think that some hearing parents are more overbearing than deaf parents? Not that there's anything wrong with it, mind you. :)
Deaf Mommy, you still can get to the front of the ride without a special pass. You still can inform the employee that you are deaf, without using the pass.
My argument is why are Deaf people who are physically healthy, using passes to cut in short long lines in regular rides, not the ones with captioned movies or performanc shows? You use the pass when you really need it, not to abuse it for ALL rides.
Anonymous, where did I say I speak for the Deaf Community? No, I didn't. I share my perspective as a Deaf person with a physical disability. I spoke with many people with physical disabilities who feel the same way about abled-bodied people who can walk easily, etc... but uses passes because they have other disabilities, not physical. The last time I heard, the average Deaf people are not physically disabled.
Mom of two kids, I have a deaf sibling. My mom was able to handle three kids just fine. We never cut the lines short. My mother would never hear of it and I agree with her. It's important to treat the deaf kids equally as their peers as much as possible and uses passes only when the deaf kids really need 'communication' access, not physical access. If I have deaf kids, I would stand in the line anyway and teach them how to use the passes appropriately, out of respect for other people with disabilities. I am not talking about deaf kids with special needs, that's a different story.
All I can say.. if you are physically disabled, you will see it very differently. If you are not physically disabled, then you have no clue at all!!
Dianez, thank you for clarifying what I'm trying to say. Jodi, thanks, too. My husband refuses to use the handicapped parking slot, though we have a HC permit. In the old days, whenever I felt ok enough, I used regular parking, even though legally I was allowed to use handicapped parking. I used it only when I needed it. Out of respect for others who truly need it. It is about respecting the system and not abusing it.
CONSEQUENCES OF ABUSES OF THE PASS SYSTEM: posted in Jodi's earlier post: As a result of this particular change, this will put an exceptional hardship on me, so I cannot go to Six Flags. Some other physically disabled find it too difficult,too. How do you think I and others feel about this? Now we cannot go due to the abuses of others.
Six Flags changes its line policy for disabled patrons
"Sept. 19, 2007
Six Flags Inc. has stopped allowing disabled patrons to skip to the front of ride lines and is now requiring them to get a boarding time from an attendant and return then, as any patron can do with the amusement park company's "Flash Pass."The new policy took effect Sept. 7 and applies to all 21 Six Flags theme andwater parks, including Hurricane Harbor, also in Arlington, said Kendell Kelton, a Six Flags Over Texas spokeswoman.The policy was prompted by abuses, including patrons who feigned disability and others with disabilities who gave wrist bands allowing them to move to the front of lines to others who are not disabled, she said."We would get complaints from people in line or our employees," Kelton said.The change made for a rocky visit to the park Saturday for Joey Miller of Burleson, mother of Noah, 7, and Mallorie, 9. Miller said that her children are autistic and that Mallorie also has epilepsy."
Mishka --
Why do you have your HC permit after you or husband requested it at the county?
To be a frank with you, in my opinion, I thought it is such a waste.
If I were you, I would not go to the county to request the HC permit.
I do not understand why you have your HC permit eventhough you/husband would not need it.
I am sorry that I do not understand this issue at all.
White Ghost
White Ghost, I need the HC permit, so my car has the permanent HC tags. If I am not in the car, my husband will park in the regular spot, not the HC slot, even though the car has the permit. He will not abuse it.
I am sorry for the confusion. I hope it's clear now? :)
Jodi, it's not just that I feel passionate about this subject. I am also very upset as I had to put my cat to sleep unexpectedly two days ago. She was only two years old. It appears to be a case of misdiagnoses and vets at the animal hospital and the ER hospital didn't caught the real problem until it's too late. So the use of swearing isn't my normal talking on the Internet.
Mishka Zena (Elizabeth Gillespie):
You are a human editor. I was
shocked to see you write some words that are not appropriate
on DeafRead. It is amazing that Tayler Mayer had permitted you
to use some untolerable terms.
Act I, Scene 1
Where? At a movie theatre:
Deaf Customer asked: The movie with sound?
Cashier said brightly: Yes. Definitely.
Deaf customer: Movie with subtitles for those who cannot hear?
Cashier said regrettfully: "No subtitles."
Deaf customer said: $10 for sound and still $10 without subtitles?
Cashier said awkwardly, his lips trembling: Yes.
Deaf Customer said: Oh. Hearing people should pay $2 more for sound.
Cashier said, his lips trembling: I will get the manager.
Manager wrote on pad: You can get in for free of charge.
Money, in Greek, means the measure of ability (to hear, to do, whatsoever)!
Jean, I responded as a private blogger, not as a DeafRead Editor. Please do not confuse both at the same time. When I write blogs and when I leave comments are as a private citizen. Anytime I wear DeafRead editor, it is at the official DeafRead blog and site.
Talking about being cold-hearted. Please do take the time to read my latest comment and find out why I talked like that. I am now fed up with you attacking me.
More hearing people abuse parking spaces and rides than any Deaf people anywhere combined. Nevertheless, some Deaf parents have Deaf or hearing autistic children that does not have the social skills or patience to wait in line. Also, Deaf people miss out a lot of bonus benefits like listening to music or announcements or narration while in line or during the rides. Whatever accommodations they can get via interpreting for example is usually at a limited time frame.
Dear Beaux,
As we all know I am for FREEDOM OF SPEECH (*SMILE*) and if Mishka feels like hurling a swear word...let her rip. What are we two year olds? It's part of the language. Let it be known that on my blog, one can use curse words and Elizabeth is here on my blog in capacity of herself as an individual and not as a deafread.com editor.
I have to say, I did not like your comment. Although your Act I, Scene I comment was quite original and appreciated.
As a fellow catlover myself, I want you to know I'm really sorry about your cats. You don't need an excuse to use bad words here...and we all know you. *smile*
Thanks, Jodi
Jodi ..
You said: "Mishka is one crazy bitch"
Be nice!
Whenever I go to a busy parking lot I try to park near a walkway. I don't care if it's close to the door. Some malls have walkways in their parking lots where it's safer to walk than right down the road. People drive crazy in parking lots sometimes. At Costco I park far from the door, but near the walk around the side when I can. Last time I was there with my son he pulled me out of the way of a car because I didn't hear it or see it.
I know a few deaf who advocate for special parking places for the deaf. I know a woman who was hit by a car in a parking lot because she didn't hear the rude driver honk.
Perhaps instead of issuing special parking passes for the deaf, we need to concentrate on making parking lots safer for all. Or maybe deaf could have passes for parking spaces close to walkways, not necessarily right next to the doors.
I think this could be a reasonable accommodation without taking away from the physically handicapped who can't walk.
One thing I worry about when people start talking about how unsafe we are in parking lots-- Couldn't someone argue that we're not fit to drive on the open road then too? We need to be careful about enacting new laws.
I understand well enough that discretion should be practiced by deaf people/ parents of deaf children who are otherwise physically able to stand in line as others for the rides at a theme park, but when it comes to shows with sound effects and dialogue, the deaf should take advantage of the disability pass in order to hear better in front seats or to take advantage of visual aids to understand the show script.
What disturbs me is this recent trend by some theme parks requiring those who use a disability pass to "schedule" for a time to board the ride or to enter a show, like some goddamn doctor's appointment. I fear this is going to become akin to movie theaters that schedule captioned movies at the most inconvenient times for the deaf (especially those who work jobs during the day, when captioned movies are typically run). What disabled person or parent of a disabled child is going to like this "appointment business" when that's what their lives are pretty much ruled by-- and this is supposed to be a vacation???
It could very well be inconvenient to the disabled who can't travel miles and miles of the theme park to return to a scheduled time for a ride or show. These parks are HUGE, not to mention labrythine or maze-like at times. I know, because I worked for a theme park at one time.
It robs the fun, instantaneous spur-of-the-moment act to hit a ride/ show gate and just go...like "normal" people do at a theme or amusement park. Know what I mean?
Even I am Deaf and healthy, I still won't use the handicapped parking space. I am an abled-bodied. Don't forget there are many Deaf and hearing people with serious hidden medical issues (such as stroke, emphysema, and etc). I will feel guilty if I abuse the system.
In my Opinion, Same for the blind and healthy passengers and have two legs to walk with the drivers to some places!
Just to add to the fire...Around here, some stores have designated parking spaces "for those who are pregnant or have babies in strollers".
Very much appreciated, thanks, stores! Although rather late now for me, in the past I had driven around hunting for parking spaces close to a sidewalk or a door so I could shepherd my three small kids safely inside. I still remember the worry that one would suddenly break loose and run across the parking lot to the car or store or McDonald's restaurant.
Pregnant and mothers of young children parking spaces are different from disabled parking.
While I can understand where Mishka is coming from re: disabled parking and abuse thereof, and I agree with that, I have to say I was QUITE grateful for the pregnant and mothers of young children parking spots.
The last time I was pregnant a bit more than 5 years ago, I was carrying twins (to full term), and already had 3 boys under the age of 5.
Those parking spots were quite a godsend for me, especially in the last trimester, AND after the twins were born. Imagine lugging TWO infants in TWO carseats at the same time, and fitting them into a double stroller while ensuring your 2 yr old, 3 year old and 5 1/2 year old stay close to you in the parking lot! I had to have the boys hold on to my stroller while I was pushing it from my parking spot to the entrance of a mall, for example.
I think the specially designated parking slots for pregnant women and mothers of young toddlers and babies are a godsend. It's a great idea. We have few of these around here.
My friend and I were recently talking about how technology has become so integrated in our day to day lives. Reading this post makes me think back to that debate we had, and just how inseparable from electronics we have all become.
I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as technology further develops, the possibility of downloading our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could experience in my lifetime.
(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=http://kwstar88.insanejournal.com/397.html]R4 SDHC[/url] DS QDos)
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