I'm dealing with two kids, my Dad and a husband in heat, while trying to build an empire. I'm a little overwhelmed, especially because I haven't been blogging. Blogging helps me maintain my sanity, what's left of it.
If I've been in limbo the past year and a half, now, I'm at the starting gate ready to bust out to take on the first lap (obviously I'd be running the Preakness). Waiting and waiting and waiting...the projects are lining up but they need to be organized and defined. In any case, I need to talk about two doctors: my pediatrician and my Cochlear Implant Surgeon.
When Ferdi gave me the opportunity to create a project for his association, I began surfing the internet regarding Newborn Hearing Screening and found a study in PEDIATRICS:
Primary Care Physicians' Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Related to Newborn Hearing Screening
OI: 10.1542/peds.2006-1008
Pediatrics 2006;118;1357-1370
Mary Pat Moeller, Karl R. White and Lenore Shisler
that has an excellent questionnaire which evaluates the level of current knowledge of the Health Professionals working with our Deaf kids...and those to come.
I showed this questionnaire to Ferdi who was very interested in the idea and gave me the go ahead to proceed. Then, I showed it to my pediatrician who was Very enthusiastic about the idea, and who acknowledged that the knowledge level of issues in Deafness among pediatricians is lacking.
When I showed the questionnaire to my ci surgeon, he informed me that he had just had a book of guidelines for Newborn Hearing Screening in the region of Tuscany approved and that based on regional legislation, the Tuscan region mandated that all birthing hospitals had to perform the screening as of Oct. 2007.
Back to the pediatrician...
Dr. Giovanni Lenzi performed a sort of "preliminary investigation" as to exactly how many of the birthing hospitals regularly performed the Newborn Hearing Screening and found that some perform the entire screening process very well, some perform the screening process when "motivated," (puke),and some not at all.
The results of this little investigation apparently pissed off some people.
One hospital coincidentally got their "broken" screening device "fixed" and began the screening process five days later.
I went to speak to my Cochlear Implant Surgeon, Professor Stefano Berrettini a few days ago. Now that is one dedicated surgeon, who has single-handedly created the NHS program for the region of Tuscany and who by chance would like to add the component of Parental Support to the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention program that is in the initial phases of being actualized. He was also interested in the support of the Italian Federation of Pediatricians. Got that!
Do you know what he said to me?
He told me that he appreciated my professionalism, motivation and determination. He would like me to be a part of his team.
(You know he wanted to add that I'm a pain in the ass, but he is just way too nice:))
I think I might just be goin' back to college!
Look out!
uh! hey, I'm not always in heat...
maybe 95 % of the time..
what? girl look at you!!!!
See, people listen to you.
What a nice compliment! But I am not surprised :)
Wow, All it takes is one person to change the world. Way to go Jodi!!!
By the way husbands are always in heat when the relatives come. Just put him up in your dad's room and it will stop. Get some sleep.
Thanks Val and Mishka *smile*
Val the CI Gal:
My dad is in Jordan's room, Jordan is on the floor in Sofia's room that is really my "studio" and therefore, my husband is stuck with me. My cat Lola is a hobag, but that's for another post. Never quite seen anything like it, she's literally attached to Luca - it's true love.
Follow your passion, woman. The husband in heat can wait. :)
PUTZ...you kill me.rotfl. Note: I believe in killing two birds with one stone. *smile*
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