But all choices must be respected.
All endings bring new beginnings.
It is our past that gives us the strength to forge forward into the future.
Never let a person underestimate your strength.
And never underestimate your future.
I just got back from a Meeting in Milan. The president of the parents' association invited me to speak to a group of parents. While I was there I had the chance to meet a mom and little boy I have been following since his first newborn hearing screening refer. They started their journey in Pisa and now they're in Zurich. Amazing experience to hug the mom and hear the little boy say Ciao:-)
On the forum, one of the adults posted this: Describe your cochlear implant experience in 5 words...
Here are a couple of comments people wrote (in Italian they were five words each, in English I don't have the energy to translate in five words:-):
-My life has totally changed for the better
-My daughter talks non-stop
-To hear everything- simply Amazing!
-Adorable voices of my children (a Deaf Mom wrote this one..)
-Everyone hears in his own way
-The story of a rebirth
-To hear is to live in color
And mine for Jordan:
I turn off my hearing when I CHOOSE.
My son was born deaf, he had no choice in the matter.
Thanks to the cochlear implant, he can hear.
And now, he is the one who chooses to turn it off.
That for me is the greatest miracle of all.
![Photo: In gita all'Elba](https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/p480x480/44780_10200889815148934_1833576979_n.jpg)
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