You know...nothing shocks me anymore at this point. The police just showed up at my house because our lunatic neighbor called to complain. This lunatic is certifiable. She curses at the kids, throws detergent from her terrace as well as water and tries to bully the...children. About a year ago, Luca had "a conversation" with her husband and they stopped their terrorist behavior. I had my own little "conversation" with her, when she dropped a bucket of water from her terrace that just missed Jordan and his 20,000 dollar ci processor. She got the "Isaaco hose treatment" as well.
Jordan, Sofia and the neighborhood kids were outside having a water battle in the 105° heat, you know, being kids. (I'd like to go to the beach, but I'm stuck in the house waiting for the arrival of the newest member of our family - baby kitten "Lola..." who was supposed to be calico Wendy, but she was too little - Tragedy-luckily Lola is on her way) The lunatic stepped onto her terrace, threw a bucket of water on the kids and started cursing. Everyone agreed that they would start playing outside again at 4:00 pm. to be considerate.
As I was sitting here sweating my butt off, Simone and Isaaco ran into the house to announce the arrival of the Police. I am in a period of no tolerance. I walked outside where I saw this poor Police officer in a stifling hot car with no air-conditioning waiting for his partner who went to speak to the lunatic.
I asked if by chance there was a law that prohibitted children from playing, having fun, being kids at 3:00pm on a hot as butt day....you know, I am AMERICAN, I may have missed something. He said, "No, there's no law, but perhaps I should try to keep the kids a little more under control."
I said, "Nope."
Um. I refuse to tell my kids who are playing and being kids to control themselves at 3 o'clock in the middle of the day. I refuse.
Then, his partner came downstairs after talking to the lunatic and tried to tell me the same thing. I refused again. Geeze, someone has to protect the rights of our kids to be kids in a world of uptight adults...
The Police officers shook my hands, smiled and said, "Have a nice day."
I replied, smiling of course, "Same to you, Officers."
Go, mother! Sounds like the police know the neighbors.
My dear woman.. better get a lawyer. If I know anything, crazy people can sue you for tresspassing on private property. Keep your kids under control and respect strangers.
I have personally sued my neighbors and have won money to have my lawn repaired and gaining peace and quiet in my own way. Sure I was called crazy, but when it's deaf kids mucking up the place, adults need to be outside to watch them.
So get a lawyer, lady. Your neighbor might be suing you the moment your kid steps on your crazy neighbor's property.
If you really want peace, control the kids and you'll both end up happy. (except my neighbors kids are still doing 4-5 years in juive hall till they're old enough to be responsible.)
My dear woman.. better get a lawyer. If I know anything, crazy people can sue you for tresspassing on private property. Keep your kids under control and respect strangers.
I have personally sued my neighbors and have won money to have my lawn repaired and gaining peace and quiet in my own way. Sure I was called crazy, but when it's deaf kids mucking up the place, adults need to be outside to watch them.
So get a lawyer, lady. Your neighbor might be suing you the moment your kid steps on your crazy neighbor's property.
If you really want peace, control the kids and you'll both end up happy. (except my neighbors kids are still doing 4-5 years in juive hall till they're old enough to be responsible.)
Dear Anonymous...My kids were on MY property! She lives on the second floor of the condominium. Thanks...Jodi
This makes me think of the old Cat Steven's song "Where do the children play?"
I'm glad we live on an acre so our loud and crazy kids can play without being harassed (much less assaulted) by persnickety old women!
Oh, my! Definitely tangling with the wrong mom! Much as I sympathize with your handling, however one can never tell. Keep kids out of range of dangerous people with a vendetta against them.
oh you crack me up girlfriend! there was a story here in the US not too long ago about a backyard pool where the kids were too loud in the middle of the day...arrests were made;)
as for anonymous person...was the the flight attendant on that recent flight where the autistic kid and mom were kicked off?? LOL!!!
You are way nicer to that lady than I would have been! Can you say bag of flaming dog poo at her front door!?
Of course...*smile*
You rock Jodi :)
Thank you, Abbie...right back atcha!
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