Well...I just created a Google Group for Italians - the Pediatric Cochlear Implant Circle - only it's in Italian: Circolo Pediatrico Impianto Cocleare. It's kind of strange creating something in Italian, but I have to start some time. The good news is that I finally created an Italian support group. The bad news is that I AM THE ONLY MEMBER!!!!!!
As they say..."Rome wasn't built in a day!"
And then there's my own personal favorite..."If you build it...they will come!"
good for you Jodi - you need to use all those folks that want you to speak at conferences etc to spread the word about your new group!! They will come - you are right...when CI Circle started 10 years ago, there were about 8 of us, now there are over 1600!
You are my hero! But you already know that...*smile* Jodi
You are a rockstar....before you know it, you'll be touching even more hearts and lives. So glad that you did this. I always say that the support that we had in the beginning of our journey is what got us through, and you were SUCH an important part of it!
Hiya Tina,
*smile*...Definitely a girl! Have you been over-indulging in pink lately??? Hugs and kiss that monkey-boy, Jodi
Jodi, send out a quick email to all of the pediatric ENT/audiologists/speech therapists/AVTs/early intervention/teachers of the deaf/all the "deaf-hoh-related" organizations. Do a Google search or something to find these specific to Italy and briefly describe what the forum is for and ask them to pass it along to their clients.
you are so funny "I'm the only member"...it just started, you build it and they will come!
Hey , at least you can say what you really want to say for awhile! I have no doubt that you'll soon have to share the platform. :-P But it will be smaller, since it's one country... but important and a great way for those parents to network and get together on things!
Jodi that's great!! I'm a new CI user and was searching for material...that is a terrific idea..wish I lived at italy or I'd've signed up..does Greece count ? LOL
You're amazing!! Keep going!
Hey Vivie!
Hi! If you go to yahoo groups and key in cochlear implants, you will find adult groups like CI Hear, CI and others depending on your brand...check them out when you have a chance. There are always people willing to answer questions...Wouldn't mine visiting Greece, never been...it's on my to do list *smile* Jodi
Thanks Amy...I would be more than happy to relinquish the platform, especially because my Italiano fa veramente caccare! Some things are just not able to be translated...here. *smile* Jodi
May I help you with Italian translating? Please let me know.
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