Friday, April 24, 2009

Lipgloss, Thongs and a French with Polka Dots

Life requires adaptation. Luckily, the materialistic world we live in, offers a vast variety of tools to facilitate this adaptation. I received an email the other day from a website called "Stages of Life". Couldn't have come at a more appropriate moment.

During any given day, we may be mothers, waitresses, teachers, dishwashers, washing machines, chauffers, happy prostitutes, doctors, philosophers and execs. We may also be the little girl who joins Susan Boyle's fan club on facebook and cries when a 12 year old belts out a Michael Jackson song.

Bills, death, taxes, traffic, rain, stress...all of these contribute to harnessing a free soul, unless you adapt, accept and move on.

How does one go about such adaptation in moments of stress?:
Phase one: Thong
Phase Two: Apply Lipgloss
Phase Three: French manicure with Polka Dots
Phase Four: Learn to know yourself and love yourself.


Debbie said...

Funny you should bring this up. We went to a "Stress Management" meeting at Amelia's school the other day. I dragged my poor husband along. He was the only man in the room...needless to say when they started talking about hormones, I thought he was going to jump out the window. They talked about breathing, yoga and the power of the mind and positive thinking. To be honest...I think I like your thong, lipgloss, french pd & love process best!

Unknown said...

Debbie-I need to add breathing to the list of things to do lol, Hugs to you...I need to post your mammogram you- kiss Amelia