Wednesday, December 19, 2007


My dad and I are international authors...hahahahahahaha! This year just may have been the most rewarding, inspiring, exciting and shocking year of my life. I have never felt more blessed...I used to watch the Oscars when the actors gave their tear-jerker speeches and would honestly flinch when they thanked God and got religious. I thought they were being a bit too melodramatic. After this experience with Jordan, I am now convinced that the people who thank God must be those who had a really hard road to follow before arriving at that Academy Awards Ceremony.
When Jordan was diagnosed as deaf and we began our journey, I used to pray every night before going to sleep. I would say, "God, I know that my son is deaf for a reason. He is healthy, strong, intelligent and beautiful, so I really don't see any need to be angry or resentful towards you, but I am asking you to give me strength to learn this language and to be the mother he needs me to be." As I've said before, I'm Jewish, but living in Italy, I'm surrounded by crucifixes, churches, etc. and don't think I haven't sounded a "Listen, Jesus, my husband's Catholic, so if you are involved in this as well, give me strength!" As I have said, I am blessed and faith has been a powerful ally in this process.
Along our Italian winding road, we have met incredible doctors, surgeons, audiologists, speech therapists and teachers, I WILL HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO THANK THEM IN THE ITALIAN VERSION OF RALLY CAPS. My dad pressured me for six long years, during which I was struggling with Jordan in hearing aids to teach him to communicate and become independent. My dad's famous words in every single conversation in those six years were "Write the book!" When I stopped, he would pick it up, when he picked it up, I became inspired. Two weeks after Jordan's cochlear implant activation, when he could hear his name and understand sentences with my mouth covered, I began to see a future for my child and we were able to finish RALLY CAPS.
RALLY CAPS is not a bestseller or a piece of fine literature, it is an inspirational book with a message: NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. My son and other children like him deserve to be on the shelves of the local library. (GO TO YOUR LIBRARY AND ORDER THE BOOK!)That is my main goal in all of this, to give my son a voice and some representation. That voice will now not only be heard in ENGLISH but in ITALIAN, as well.
A special thank you goes to PUBLISH AMERICA, COCHLEAR ITALY (COCHLEAR AMERICA HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH RALLY CAPS)and Aura Nobolo for her commitment and assistance in providing funding for the translation that is being done by my good friend Rosy Alfinito. All of this has come about because my family and I believed that my child would succeed in his oral approach to deafness, that he would be able to learn to speak and communicate in a hearing world. My dad signs all the books "Dream it, Believe it, Work it, Achieve it..." Every now and then my dad gets profound:)...and I am only just getting started...


VBnBama said...

I'm so excited...and I just can't hide it...
Go Jodi, Go Jodi!!
Glad your blogging again!

Sharon Pajka,Ph.D. said...

Congratulations Jodi!

Rachel said...

Whoooo hooo! Congrats! You'll have to let me know what your son thinks of the book!

Abbie said...

WOO! I'll be ordering my copy soon :) in english though.

Karen Putz said...

Congrats on your accomplishments!