I've been in a rut called Life. Then, two days ago something happened. I put on my favorite pair of jeans and a green t-shirt that says, "A wise man once said, 'If you don't know, ask a girl'" and sat down outside to enjoy the day. Suddenly, the phone rang and I stood up to go into the house to answer it. However...big however...the button on the ass of my jeans got stuck in the hole of the outdoor plastic chair and slammed me back down seated- couldn't move.
There I was- alone, phone ringing, children screaming and I couldn't budge. I shook my ass to the left and right, but that damn button wouldn't come undone. I tried taking my pants off, but the button was so stuck that I couldn't exactly do that. Luckily I have long arms, so I wrapped my right arm under the chair and started fiddling with that stubborn button until...
Liberating experience!
It's the little things...
Jo.......u seem to be in a good "writing zone" lately on your blog......very creative and fun stuff........soooooo I suggest you BEGIN YOUR NEXT BOOK NOW while the juices are flowing. What do you think? Dad
You are a riot, Jodi and so is your Dad! Love it!
Give me some time....getting there:)quicker than expected...
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