Tuesday, November 27, 2007


AMAZING...MEET NEAL...ADORABLE, ON-KEY (NOT LIKE ME, I'M TONE-DEAF)AND AN AVID READER...(I just stole a song from Christina's blog, (The song is by Colbie Caillat-I'm addicted)to deactivate it and watch Neal's video, scroll down to the bottom of this page and hit the stop button)

We didn't find out Neal was deaf until he was 18 months old. We then tried
hearing aids, which did nothing for him. We also started signing with him
so that he could have some language. After a year of jumping through
insurance hoops, Neal got his first cochlear implant. It was activated when
he was 2 years, 9 months old. Having never heard a sound before in his life
(Neal is as deaf as deaf can get), he needed intensive therapy to catch up
on language. He attended an oral-deaf preschool for three years and was
ready for a mainstream setting in Kindergarten. He is now in second grade
and reading well above grade level. He got his second implant last year.
Neal is proof that a even a child who is identified fairly late can have
excellent results with cochlear implants.

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