Monday, March 29, 2010


I took my car into the shop to get the bumper fixed where the man slammed me in the rear and an elderly man struck up a conversation with me. He was adorable with typical Italian teeth and told me the tale of his first car- the Fiat 500- the smallest car ever made. He paid 525,000 lire for it, which is about 250 dollars. He told me he paid in 10,000 lire pieces and the first thing he added to it was a cigar lighter. He then added a radio, which he attached to the back seat- kind of like pimp my ride in the 60's. He remembered his first license plate number.

I have no idea what the license plate was of my Hyundai Excel, I only know that my sister totaled it when I went to college:-)

Strange the things we remember. I hurt a couple of people by writing some of my memories, it was not intentional. Sometimes things from our past, events that we experienced serve as instruments for overcoming obstacles in the present. People we meet and relationships we have, the good, bad and ugly, teach us lessons to be applied to the next.

Someone wrote to me that it's the people in our lives who make us feel special. I disagree. It's the obstacles life throws in our path, how we hurdle such obstacles and the choices we make on a daily basis that help us to form our character and to feel special. Everything is a damn test and you never know what's coming around that corner. And there are moments in our life where we don't have the tools necessary to act...therefore we react.

And we try to do the best we can.

Sometimes the best isn't enough and something breaks.

You can sweep the pieces under the rug.
You can throw the pieces out.
You can try to reconstruct the same vase with that same broken piece.
You can construct something new and different...and solid..
using the pieces
that didn't break
and you can
use new tools.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

amen Cutler.
deb b