I was thankful for five minutes with seven hundred pediatricians. Tuscany has given me three hours...my own three hours to use as I choose to teach 500 pediatricians the parental perspective on newborn hearing screening and deafness. I have created a program of what I want to share, but since you've been with me throughout this entire two year long journey and we've debated, agreed, laughed and hung out-please send me resources. Send me studies, send me anything that has helped your child become the well-rounded, happy, functioning child he/she has become. If you have any youtube videos or websites that you think are important; if you want to send me pix of your kids with cis or hearing aids or signing that I can use on my slides, leave the link in the comments section or email me at jodi@rallycaps.net. I have until Wednesday to translate everything.
And I will give it to them...the pediatricians who took the questionnaire and realized they just did not have enough information and that they needed more...the pediatricians parents criticize for not having listened- I'll have 500 of them in my hands...for three hours.
God, I mean, I'm only a Mom.
I wish I was three to see it! It will be amazing! So proud! Dad
oops there not three!
Thanks Dad:-) love you
Jo from Australia...if you read this- I think I got a letter saying you're coming to Italy- but I can't find it...did I dream it??
great post.. great song (as usual)
deb b
Darn, I put my comment in the wrong place. Here's my suggestion - have them view the "That's Just the Way We Hear" video that won the ASHA award for Better Speech and Hearing Month. It's gotten nearly 7,000 views but could always use a few more!
Please video tape your presentation and send it to the rest of the pedes in your country!
Good luck! Love you!
Hi Jodi, I'm an avid reader of your blog -- the honestly & smart-ass writing I absolutely love.
Not that our story is all that interesting, I do have some videos of initial stimulation, music appreciation & AVT home session on my blog. You are more than welcome to anything that you see that might be helpful.
Something that we have found very interesting in our journey is that we learned that sensory integration issues can impact a child's map -- the SI issues made Thomas have a very high pain threshold. Thus, his map was too powerful & was distorting what he was hearing. I hadn't heard of this before until our audiologist made the changes to turn down his map & Thomas started giving sounds with an open mouth and seemed less agitated.
Hope this helps! Good luck with your presentation.
P.S. Our videos are in English. So, I don't know if they will be helpful not being in Italian.
Kill it!
As a parent of a Deaf young adult who isn't a cochlear implant users just like many many Deaf babies and children even today, I hope that you speak about the importance of visual languages such as American Sign Language or other countries' signed languages.
There is absolutely no evidence that sign language hinders speech acquisition. Marc Marshark 2007
It is imperative that Physicians and audiologists know that there are ethics involved in making parent referrals to CI surgeons BEFORE referrals are made to early invention. The key is that parents have a right to ALL the information available to them. They have a right to be introduced to visual signed languages, Deaf professionals, and the educational resources out there such as Deaf schools.
Sign language is the most accessible language for Deaf babies and should not be something for later after spoken language fails the child... No child should be without language from the start. There have been too many victims of this offense for over 130 years.
Jodi, you're not dreaming, I sent you an email telling you that very thing. I will resend it to you, no probs! Take your time in responding, I know you are very busy at this time. All the very best of luck for the presentation. Jo:)
Zowee!!! What a great opportunity! I seriously doubt any of our youtube videos would be appropriate, but you're welcome to judge for yourself; they're all under my husband's account, so search youtube for neilfeit. Check this out: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/02/health/research/02children.html
This study came out awhile back, was discussed on cicircle, so you might remember it. It shows that children with CIs rate their quality of life as highly as hearing children. Also, Melissa Chaikof just posted a link on cicircle to a study showing that children with good EI can be mainstreamed and achieve as well as hearing children.
Whoops, last part of the link didn't appear: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/02/health/research/02children.html
Okay, still didn't appear:
Brim over I assent to but I dream the collection should prepare more info then it has.
Thank you all so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Trying to put it all together...xoxo
Hi Jodi! Can I send something to you too? When is the deadline?
First of all I met Linda- the mom you're going to talk to in Ferrara last weekend- so, so nice!!!
Second of all........I was thinking of you this morning- I need video of Daniele, desperately- I have your story from sorditaonline when you wrote down what happened for my last request- Please, please send me something in Italian- I only have videos in English and if you have friends..beg them.
If you upload it to yahoo I can transfer it to WMV format for the ppt...you are the BEST!!! Thank you for always checking up on me:-) and kiss those boys.
Jodi...upload to Yahoo....download...huh!!?
Remember that I'm a computer dummy!! Do you mean that I send the video to your e-mail address?
How much time do I have?
take the video, click on youtube, create an account, click on carica video and download the program it tells you to download, then insert the file from your computer and wallah your video will appear on youtube. On the righthandside will appear a URL of your video on youtube, copy and paste it and send it to me by email jodi@rallycaps.net
You can try sending it by email, but it will probably be too big of a file to send...good luck to you- if I can do it, you can do it...xoxo
take the video, click on youtube, create an account, click on carica video and download the program it tells you to download, then insert the file from your computer and wallah your video will appear on youtube. On the righthandside will appear a URL of your video on youtube, copy and paste it and send it to me by email jodi@rallycaps.net
You can try sending it by email, but it will probably be too big of a file to send...good luck to you- if I can do it, you can do it...xoxo
I thought of something else. There have been studies showing that phonological awareness during early childhood is the biggest predictor of reading success in school. And this makes sense -- if you've never heard spoken language, then learning to read it later is a very abstract and difficult process. To my mind, this is the biggest reason for early detection and intervention, and (for those families who desire it) early access to sound (aids or CIs). Poor reading skills have a ripple effect across the curriculum. So if you can find studies along those lines, that would make a good argument. Google "phonological awareness deaf" and you'll find the studies.
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