Friday, February 19, 2010

Unmatching Socks

Last night- I came home, threw on my pjs and a pair of socks- one purple and one grey- in bed by 8:30 pm. I am destroyed. It has been one of those steamrollin' weeks that knock you out and keep on rolling back and forth over your soul. I have finally found an equilibrium between work and kids, so the one night I have alone- I sleep:-)

I got a killer email from the Newborn Hearing Screening Congress, but I can't talk about that yet until it's finalized..just know that good things are on the way.

I have spent ninety-five percent of my blog complaining about being in limbo, but for the first time, I am enjoying the limbo mode, at least in regard to my personal life. I'm finding that separation is kind of like going through the death of a close loved one and there is a mourning period. Moments of sadness, despair, will I be able to pay the bills and is there life after separation strike at unwanted times, but my kids are so damn cute and full of life that I know something is working out okay.

I think I may almost be ready to be funny again, sexy is just not in the cards right now- especially with unmatching socks, but funny may be coming soon.

I was preparing for the ped courses on Valentine's Day with my fb page open and the chat popped up. It was a guy I went to elementary school with who told me he had done work in Early Intervention. He then told me that when we were in elementary school, he had a crush on me!!!! Me!!! I was like, really???? He said, yeah, an older woman!! Hahahahahaha. He then told me I was a triple threat.(???)I said, Um, what's a triple threat? He said, "Beautiful, smart and funny." I looked down at my sweatshirt, plaid pjs and black and blue unmatching socks and said, "Marry me." Hahahaha- okay, this sounds ridiculous for a thirty-eight year old woman to be vanting about a fb chat moment, but that chat, my friends, came at just the right moment:-)

Of course, that was about thirty years ago, but I consider him to be a very intelligent child-turned man.

Can you tell I've lost my mind this week???

Anyway, between cars, trains, powerpoints, hospitals and desperation, the fleeting moments that make you laugh out loud are to be appreciated.

Child moment:

Jordan: Sofia's calling Nonna
Mamma: Sofia can call Nonna
Jordan: Sofia called me idiot
Sofia: Jordan called me fat
Mamma: Go to bed.

My children are just so adorable. I bought Sofia new undershirts and socks because I can NEVER find a pair of matching socks in this house...apparently she stole the bag, took them to Luca's and hid them in the corner under her bed. Thank God they were found and will be re-delivered to this house, because tonight she is sleeping with one green sock and one fuscia sock- she is not too happy about that-I'm preparing her to become a woman just like her Mamma.

May God help her.

1 comment:

Debbi said...

You are already funny...and charming...and smart. You'd make a great cougar my dear!