Sunday, April 14, 2013

Just Stop...and Taste the Ice-Cream!

Our lives revolve around hustling and bustling, so when do we actually put down our smartphones and look our kids in the eyes?
The daily grind stimulates, activates and motivates, but when do we STOP, look around and breathe?
Just do it.
Just stop, collect your kids, turn off your cellphone, turn off the car radio, drive to the ice-cream parlor of your choice

This is the cover of my Forum's first National Meeting: Look Who's Talking!!! (More details coming soon!!!)
This is what the Program cover says:
 "Help your child to always take only one step forward. Then, give her the time to look back and realize the progress she has made. Let her know that, you too, are happy with her, so that when she turns back around and looks to the future, she will confidently take that next step forward".

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