Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Please Ask Your Hearing Kids with DHH Siblings...

Dear All,
Leeanne of Hands & Voices is preparing a study of hearing kids with DHH siblings. Please take five minutes, ask them these questions and either respond by leaving a comment or email the response to jodi@rallycaps.net You may find some answers that surprise you, or this may give you the opportunity to have a really fine heart to heart with your hearing child:

1. What do you tell your friends about your brother or sister’s deafness or hearing loss?

Sofia (6 years old): When we are at the beach, I tell other kids that he can't hear them because he doesn't wear his cochlear implant on the beach.

2. What's the weirdest question you have ever been asked about your brother or sister?

Sofia: What's that thing on his ear?

3. If you could change one thing about your sib (or your sib’s hearing loss) what would it be?

Sofia: He needs to stop annoying me and pinching me. He has to stop putting his Playstation on while I'm watching a cartoon.

Note: Since Sofia has started first grade, homework time has become a nightmare. Her favorite expression has become..."You always help Jordan, and you NEVER help me."


Um, Val...your situation has me a bit perplexed. Gage and Brook are both hearing and deaf, so what's your take on this?


VBnBama said...

Jodi, I actually have video for these questions. Gage was kind enough to answer these questions, let me caption them this afternoon and I'll send them your way. (2 clips)

Unknown said...

You rock! Busy?? *smile* They will go perfectly with my announcement for tomorrow Oct. first...lol