Friday, January 25, 2013

Bye Mishka:-)

"Last week i took down my blog down for good. It's been inactive for some time, but now it's gone. I've saved all the posts. some day I will donate them to a deaf studies program. blogging had been an enriching experience. I've gained invaluable information and formed countless friendships. while looking at posts since 2006, I can safely say that my perspectives on certain issues have changed since I began blogging.

...I'm not ruling out the possibility of resuming blogging and deaf advocacy again later on."

The end of an era.
I totally understand.
Mishka's blog taught me a great deal and gave me many opportunities to reflect on the choices I made as a Mom during that time period. She gave me an education that I am still using today...actually the other day on the Italian forum I spoke about my experience blogging on Deafread and how our constructive dialogue led to an evolution in attitudes.

Five years ago I began blogging, I was married, in crisis and alone. It's incredible how writing and putting your heart out there for everyone to read can help you understand yourself and help you work through making choices. It's amazing how many people are living what you are living, or something similar at that precise moment and how many people you can touch just by sharing some pain. 

I have learned that the more you give, the more you grow.
We're still here growing in Tuscany.
I'll be back soon.

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